Sunday, March 4, 2012


"just keep going"

what does exercise mean to me? basically movement, anything that involves getting off the couch and doesn't involve non-movement.  why is this important to know and be aware of? well once you become a regular exerciser, which believe it or not i feel that i am now, it's important to engage yourself by varying your activities.  i have gotten to point at which i feel that going to gym and doing the same routine is comforting but not exciting. so time to mix things up. i did sign up for zumba class but i haven't managed to go yet. hopefully next monday i can keep that commitment.  

my to do list seems to get longer and longer. it's ridiculous. i have to make sure diet doesn't slack off again. i have been good with the no sugar deal.  i can't see that's it made any difference, but to be fair it's only day four and i haven't been all that strict.  i had a vaippan today - i am sure they added sugar in it - but my mom said it had bananas and flour.  i am craving sweets still.  i had to do everything in my power not to go out and buy a chocolate bar or dessert.  which i didn't. i am proud of myself :) yay! 

there is this weird part of my brain that irrationally rationalizes that i won't be as nice without the consumption of sugar.  i know weird. but it's how i conceptualize life.  silly yes. 25 more lbs to go. it feels good to say that number.  its doable.  totally. 

to the stars, 


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